Asignment for Liliane Fonds to document the great work Jan Vikas Samithi (JVS) an organisation in India that works on empowerment of the marginalized women and children. JVS involved me in their group and helped me to reach many other organizations.
The Kiran centre for example is an amazing school, having about 500 students and is fully accessible to people with disabilities. I visited Vikalang Kendra centre in Allahabad, which is mainly focused on rehabilitation for the disabled. It is also building a new section for spinal injury recovery. I was able to meet the most incredible people who live their lives in the surrounding villages; encountering the strong willed children, who have been affected by polio and were destined not to walk or stand straight again. The help they received, altered this.
It was an experience that I can reflect back on time and time again and I hope to be able to help others reflect on this too.
This trip was made possible thanks to the Liliane Fonds which makes donations to all these charity organisations.
I would like to extend my sincerest thanks and appreciation to Alex, Chiru, Rohit, Kees & Maneet.